sábado, 30 de enero de 2010

God´s gift of life

As I sit down to write, I meditate on His Word that calls us to be still and know that He is God. He is the Creator of the heavens and the earth and all that is in them, He is the owner of all Majesty and the Kingdom of light.

With motive of great joy, we share with you His blessing of our first pregnancy, His life for this child has already began! We discovered the news a few weeks ago, I am now 9 weeks along and we are growing together as a family and celebrating every change and stage. God has been powerfully ministering to us as we grow into the role as parents He is calling us to. What love to know only He could surround us with loved ones and wise counsil to guide us along the way.

So we share with you our delight in these circumstances and all that awaits us ahead. We invite you to be in prayer with us for all the details to be ironed out smoohtly by His hand. I pray you be encouraged and ministered to through His faithfulness and lovingkindness in our lives.

My husband sends his love and appreciation for all your support and your special part in our growth and service in the Lord. May Jesus be your way, truth and life abundant.

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